Tuesday, November 3, 2015

For Others

          My mother, who is only 49 at the time, was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis a few years ago. She has trouble with speaking, thinking, and sometimes walking. It is very hard for me to be away from my mother at school because I always want to help her and be there for her when she needs me most. When she doesn't get enough sleep, I can tell and it makes me feel horrible because I am not there to help her. When she has her off days, I assist her with getting in and out of cars, walking from point A to point B, or even helping her serve dinner. A couple years after that, I thought it was a good idea to get a dog because it would keep her company and help keep her on a schedule. Her having my dog Leonard there makes me feel a lot better about the situation.
        Another person I help often is my grandmother. She is getting older now and she has a lot of problems with her back and knees. I often times take breaks from school on the weekends to help her. She usually needs help cleaning and just fixing things around the house which I help her with. It makes me feel better as a person knowing that she is happy and knowing that I could help her with things that matter the most to her. 
          Both of these people mean a lot to me. They are my closest family members and I enjoy helping them because there is nothing else that makes me feel better than knowing that they are happy.